Accepting New Clients (updated Jan 17)
Episode 5

Reframe Your Negative Self-Talk

Aired 07/06/2020
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Have you been hurt by others in the past? Do you repeat negative things to yourself: “I am unattractive” or “no one will ever love me”?

Feelings of self-blame, feeling like you did something to cause it, letting it shape your identity and feeling worthless, etc. can all result from being hurt in the past. But past pain is not a good teacher. You are not bad – so stop telling yourself you are.

Licensed Mental Health Therapists Laura Raicher and Michelle Mooney
Walk you through how to unlearn our negative/hurtful self-talk and how to reframe negative thoughts to create a space for self-love.

Each week Holding Ground brings you a little bit of everything in the world of therapy and positive mental health!

Holding Ground is brought to you by Anchor Light Therapy Collective in Seattle, WA.

Therapists in This Episode